about us | miquael motion media & graphics
MiQuael Motion Media & Graphics is one of nine companies under four different creative "umbrellas." For example; Q Creative Services is an "umbrella" company. It offers the services of nine creative studios within it's coverage. MiQuael Motion Media & Graphics is one of those studios, Direct Effect is another, Payton Studios another, Victor Powell Photography is another, Charin Ingram Photography is yet another; and so on and so on. Each studio may offer or specialize in a specific service, like; web site design, digital photography, video production, graphic design & layout etc., etc
Because of this range in versatility and resources, Q Creatice Services can offer the services of any of the studios within it's network to handle almost any creative task no matter how large or small, and with the flexibility to facilitate almost any budget.Q Creative Services is one umbrella, Direct Effect Digital Media is another, RPM Urban is the third umbrella, and Victor Powell Creative Services is the fourth. Each one offering their own network of creative studios, which often include the services of studios contained in each of the other umbrellas.
The founding principles of each of these creative "umbrellas," are creative directors. MiQuael is the creative director of the Q Creative Services umbrella. As a creative director, MiQuael is proficient in traditional and digital graphic design and layout, web design & development, photography and video production, (including; writing, directing, shooting and most of the post production editing). MiQuael is also a musician who creates and performs his own original scores, soundtracks and jingles for his projects.
In addition, most creative directors will own and maintain all of the latest equipment, software and hardware to provide these services - and what he does not personally own, he will have direct access to from within the network. To be "proficient" in the application of the equipment doesn't mean very much however, if the resulting work is ineffective. The members of each of these teams are the very best at their diciplines, as well as incredibly talented and creative individuals - which is why they have been drafted into the networks to begin with. So, every client that we accept, has an entire creative team behind their efforts.

rich flannigan

lynda k. middleton

charin ingram

m.y. deloach

courtney joliff
I would request all potential clients to view my work in person or through my online web site portfolios and network-galleries before initiating a project. Knowing that we have your trust and confidence goes a long way towards ensuring the effectiveness of the resulting work. In many ways, your designer is like many other professionals that you might trust your important processes to - like your physician, attorney or accountant. You may not completely understand what they do or how they do it, but you make a conscience decision to trust them to make your best interest a priority, and your satisfaction paramount. The initial decision to retain their services may have had something to do with your belief in the quality of their work and experience in their respective areas of expertise.
Some examples of what one might look for in a designer's style are; technical abilities - can the artist employ current or newer technologies - Is his or her style to your liking aesthetically - can the artist take the project from conception to completion - what is the artists level of understanding of your needs and objectives - can he or she facilitate your timeline - professionalism - will personality or other differences be an issue - available resources, materials or supplies on-hand to facilitate your project - willingness to consider your (or other outside) input - flexibility... and the list goes on and on.
You may never find all, many or even most of these attributes perfectly inline with your expectations, but that will be the case with any professional you consider for employment. It is you however, who has to prioritize these areas of importance "before" settling on one. It is not fair to the artist, yourself or your project to select an artist "willy-nilly" and then attempt to change or impose change in mid-project.
If you know or have a good idea of what it is that you want - depending on the degree of your knowledge about the process and it's final outcome, you might make getting an artist who is open and willing to work along side you throughout the project, a priority. This is important because many professionals resent a client who appears to be directing the project from "over his or her shoulder." Many artist require a great degree of (if not complete) creative freedom. This is where your trust and confidence is required. Many projects are mistakenly taken to a graphic designer that may have only required the services of a good full service printer for example. Here the old saying "you get what you pay for" may be only half true. For example; a small budget will not necessarily limit your input with an artist who doesn't mind (or who needs) your creative advice or input. And on the other hand an unlimited budget will not necessarily insure that your input will be welcomed with an artist who works best when left alone. Few artist take issue with making adjustments and fine tuning or even accepting your input once his or her visions have been realized. If you allow an artist to complete the process unmolested only to find that you don't like it, most professionals will be more than willing to work with you to resolution. This however, is seldom the case if you choose your artist wisely beforehand.
It may unreasonable to expect a designer to be fully accountable for poor or unexpected results, if he or she wasn't fully in control of the process.
Q Creative Services and MiQuael Motion Media has a number of different styles and artists to choose from, and are more than happy to refer a potential client in another direction if we mutually feel that a match cannot be made. Please know that what we provide as artist, comes from within. The effectiveness of our work and the customer's complete satisfaction is our ultimate goal with each and every project. The time committed to any project cannot be regained once spent. And therefore it is our objective to get it right (or as close as possible to right) the first time, so that with minimal of fine tuning and tweaking, we might have perfection. But again, the first step is in selecting the right artist for the job to begin with.
There are no "by-standers" in business - You're either part of a solution, or part of a potential problem. I try to illustrate this point by setting the example; I want your business - but not at the expense of your success.
When you do find a designer who meets your needs use them! A good artist can be your secret weapon. In today's economy having the ability to compete unfettered by cost concerns is a wonderful thing - and KEY to successful branding and name recognition.
To be able to start (or continue) to produce - slick, quality promotional pieces, dynamic web applications and broadcast commercials to help bolster your product or service, is invaluable. A good design team will enable you to continue to "look the part" even when the rest of the world is feeling the affects of a weak economy. It is in these times when keeping your brand visible is even more important. Goods and services will still be in demand - however, it is the affordable ones that will continue to prosper. It Is your objective to continue to receive your share of any spending that is occurring. So, keeping your brand strong and visible during such times is the job of your creative team. A good team constantly has a finger on the pulse of current market conditions. It is the lifeline that facilitates all that we do. After all, we are marketing specialists. Our tools are of a creative nature. We know how to continue to do what needs to be done - despite adversity. We are your In-house creative team, that doesn't take up space on your property, or exist on your payroll. We are there for you whenever you need us just like a permanent employee - without the cost. Take advantage of this feature, and you're already a step ahead of the competition.